Building Resilience: The Pandemic and Post-Traumatic Growth in Healthcare


  • Identify the differences between normative job stress and secondary stress.
  • Identify behavior signs of secondary stress in self and others.
  • Review personal and organizational strategies to promote self-care and staff resilience.

Stress can affect nurses, and other healthcare staff, but it also can affect patient safety. Recent studies suggest overstressed caregivers are more likely to make errors and lower the quality of care. The American Nurses Association Survey of Nurses has documented high levels of stress among practicing nurses. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated work stressors, which may lead to an increase in liability lawsuits, highlighting the need for a greater focus on stress management and self-care. Assessing one’s reactivity and “thinking about feeling” is the basis to developing self-awareness and ameliorating stress. Healthcare education programs and employing organizations need to formalize self-care and stress management education in light of the pandemic and the need to build a resilient workforce for the future to improve patient safety.

Speaker Information:
  • Speaker: Gloria F. Donnelly, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, FCPP, Editor in Chief, Holistic Nursing Practice, and Author
  • Moderator: Jennifer Flynn, CPHRM, Risk Manager, Nurses Service Organization (NSO)

Registration is required to access the archived recording. Continuing education credit was only available for those who attended the live event on 4/22/21.


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