Nurse Webinar: Using Malpractice Claims Data to Identify Risks in Nursing Practice

Learn about key findings from NSO and CNA’s new report, Nurse Professional Liability Exposure Claim Report: 4th Edition: Minimizing Risk, Achieving Excellence

Overview: NSO and CNA’s new liability claim report, Nurse Professional Liability Exposure Claim Report: 4th Edition: Minimizing Risk, Achieving Excellence, addresses some of nurses’ most common professional liability concerns, including emerging risks and ways that nurses can protect themselves from liability exposures. Using case studies and claim data, nurses can examine top areas of liability through the experiences of your peers. Most importantly, this report provides you with immediately implementable practices that you can use to help prevent or defend against malpractice allegations, while also enhancing patient safety.
By the end of this webinar, you’ll be able to:  

  • List the leading allegations made against Nurses in malpractice lawsuits.
  • Define the average incurred expense for Nurses in a malpractice lawsuit.
  • Identify key risk management tools Nurses can incorporate into their practice.
Register and Listen to the Recording
This webinar was recorded on 10/22/20. Continuing education credit is only available for those who attended the live event. Registration is required to listen to the recording.

Get your copy of the report
The 4th Edition of the Nurse Claim Report provides a wealth of statistical data and analysis that shows how nurses’ malpractice claims have evolved over the past 20 years. Visit for more, or download your copy here.

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