5 Key Takeaways in the Nurses Claim Report
Nurses Claim Report provides a wealth of data and analysis about the malpractice risks confronting today’s nursing professionals. Included within the report are CNA’s loss control recommendations for helping to improve patient safety and decrease exposure to potential litigation.
The Report is presented to the healthcare community to help nurses examine their practice, understand their vulnerabilities, and take necessary steps to reduce their risks. Here are five of the most important takeaways from the Report:
1. Risk Control Recommendations (starting on page 41)
Patient Safety: This section of the Report discusses patient falls and medication errors. Both result in a high number of claims and can be largely avoided using CNA’s suggested actions.
Assessment and Monitoring: Strategies are provided for accurate and timely assessment of patients and careful monitoring, that can mean the difference between a favorable or unfavorable outcome.
Treatment and Care: CNA offers four simple safety measures nurses can use to reduce the risk of treatment and care allegations—such as failure to report patient complications.
Chain of Command: Here you will find advice to help nurses utilize the medical change of command when a practitioner fails to respond to calls for assistance.
Scope of Practice: Four tips aimed at aiding nurses stay with their state’s scope-of-practice act and their employer’s policies and procedures.
2. Legal Cases (pages 24, 27, 37) (View more)
These legal case studies taken from CNA’s files provide a look inside real malpractice court cases. Examining the experiences of your peers provides key insights you can incorporate into your own practice.
3. Self-Assessment Checklist (page 45) (
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Use this self-assessment checklist to review your practice and determine whether your actions align with the recommendations.
4. Claim Tips (page 48)
Two proactive behaviors to include within your everyday practice, along with detailed instructions on what to do if you become aware of a potential malpractice claim.
5. License Defense Recommendations (page 59)
General recommendations regarding education, documentation, care delivery, communication and professional conduct that can help avoid licensing complaints.