Everyone who has insurance also has questions about their insurance. Don’t worry—we’re here to answer any questions you have.
What are the most common injuries that lead to a malpractice lawsuit against nurse practitioners? What is the average payout by injury? Medical malpractice lawsuits are a reality for nursing professionals. If named in a lawsuit, what should you do? These and more questions are answered!
4 Key Takeaways in the Nurse Practitioners Claim Report
As a nursing professional, what do you consider to be the greatest risk to your career? In the Nurses Claim Report, NSO and CNA review and analyze malpractice and licensing claims to help nursing professionals understand your areas of greatest vulnerability. Armed with the knowledge gained from the Report, nurses can reduce their risks of potential litigation and take steps to help improve patient outcomes.
5 Key Takeaways in the Nurses Claim Report
In December 2016, President Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act (“Cures Act”) into law, and the US Department of Health and Human Services published the final rule on May 1, 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the burden of nurses’ daily work in many areas, including forcing them into situations where they feel moral distress.
Claims Made or Occurrence Coverage? A quick overview of the difference and picking the right one for you.
In the Nurse Practitioners Claim Report, NSO and CNA review and analyze malpractice and licensing claims to help NPs understand their areas of greatest vulnerability. Included within the report are CNA’s loss control recommendations on how to avoid what can be a very stressful experience.